Author Archives: stevej

American Austerity –

  American Austerity –

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Economist’s View: “The Unemployment Rate Without Government Cuts: 7.1 Percent”

  Economist’s View: “The Unemployment Rate Without Government Cuts: 7.1 Percent”.

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Obama spending binge never happened – Rex Nutting – MarketWatch

Obama spending binge never happened – Rex Nutting – MarketWatch. Obama has not  presided over a massive increase in federal spending.  This is according to the Wall Street Journal’s Market Watch.

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Has Team Romney forgotten that the Bush years were terrible? – The Washington Post

Has Team Romney forgotten that the Bush years were terrible? – The Washington Post.  

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Yes, Bush’s economy was terrible – The Washington Post

Yes, Bush’s economy was terrible – The Washington Post. Ezra Klein:  “Of the more negative responses to today’s column, the one that’s been most common was the one I was least prepared for: The Bush economy, my correspondents say, was … Continue reading

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Four Fiscal Charts –

Four Fiscal Charts – Four Fiscal Charts “… a simple answer to the people who always insist that we must be having massive fiscal stimulus because we have a big budget deficit; my answer is that the deficit is … Continue reading

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Economist’s View: “Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?”

Economist’s View: “Where Do Our Federal Tax Dollars Go?”.

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The unrealistic assumptions behind Paul Ryan’s budget numbers – The Washington Post

The unrealistic assumptions behind Paul Ryan’s budget numbers – The Washington Post.

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No, the CBO hasn’t doubled its cost estimate for health-care reform – The Washington Post

The title says it all. No, the CBO hasn’t doubled its cost estimate for health-care reform – The Washington Post.

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Written Version of Effects of Fiscal Policy.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Written Version of Effects of Fiscal Policy.pdf (application/pdf Object). Excellent speech by Christina Romer about fiscal policy.

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